PubNight #48 (10/17/06) - 8:30pm at Dead Freddie's
The last time we tried going to Dead Freddie's, our announcement e-mail
commented on the bar's dated style. Well, they decided to do something
about that, and renovated inside. Unfortunately, they'd already started
that before we got there, which meant we couldn't get in that evening and
had to scramble to a backup. It's our feeling that the problems with
Freddie's needed more than a cosmetic makeover to fix. It's more like a
"burn to the ground and start over" kind of problem, as the mediocrity has
seeped into the very foundation.
Regardless, it's close, we're kind of curious to see what they've done, and
it will be nice to have a Thursday that's close to home and requires no
fighting for a parking spot.
-Also in desperate need of a renovation,
Your bringing out your dead gang
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